The importance of Hydration

And Dialytic Water

You’re not sick... you’re thirsty.


Blood banks feature an advertising slogan that says:  «A drop of blood can save a life».

What if that drop were water?


Water is simple, insignificant and (apparently) free. It is tasteless, colorless and is made up of just two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen, but .... Did you know that 65% of your body and 90% of your brain is made up of water?

Perhaps we do not realize that water, or the body's requirement of it, is of great importance.

When we are dehydrated, the body reacts by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter histamine in order to regulate the amount of water available. If there is an excess of histamine in the body (which can be easily evidenced by a test) we must drink water to lower it. If on the contrary, we take antihistamines uncontrolledly, in addition to not addressing the cause, they could produce very serious side effects.

Whoever believes that not being thirsty means that the body has fulfilled its water, requirements could be wrong.

Water is used to dissolve the food we eat and causes its nutrients to be correctly absorbed by the intestine. The less water there is, the harder the body has to work to process nutrients efficiently.

Nutrients, as well as oxygen, must be transported to the vital organs for them to function correctly.

his transportation slows down when there isn't enough water, and worse, the nutrients arrive in a state that they cannot be efficiently used by the body. In some cases, they are not even metabolized and are eliminated directly, unused.

The body needs to keep an adequate temperature and humidity level to function correctly, for which water; is essential; the body also needs water to repair tissue.

Residues must be removed to transport them to the organs in charge of eliminating them.

Why is it that, unconsciously, we do not associate the lack of water with migraines, allergies, diarrhea, constipation, excess weight, depressions, etc.?

Water contains substances that enrich it and are vital for the correct functioning of the body.

We must distinguish water from liquids. Sodas, juices, tea, alcohol, etc, are not water, they're liquids.



Kidney Stones

Dialytic Water helps in the preventive treatment of patients with a history of kidney stones, whether from urates or calcium salts (oxalate, carbonate, phosphate...)

Gallbladder Stones

Gallbladder Stonesare generally made up of layers.

These layers are usually made of cholesterol, calcium and bilirubin.

Uric Acid (Gout)

Dialytic Water acts by dissolving the micro crystals of uric acid and/or preventing them from forming, with the advantage it has in the treatment of gout.


Dialytic Water dissolves calcium deposits in the arteries, regaining elasticity and facilitating the elimination of cholesterol.



Dialytic Water drags and eliminates mineral waste throughout the body. This allows applying it in other treatments or therapies (Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hydrology, Kinesiology, Rheumatology, etc.) to make them more effective and receptive.

What we are going to achieve is to give patients a better quality of life, in addition to facilitating the efficiency of metabolic processes, as the body is cleaner.

The intake of Dialytic Water in athletes dedicated to bodybuilding has demonstrated its improvement in performance. These athletes, having to ingest large doses of protein in their diets, tend to have high levels of uric acid (which must be treated by other means). The regular use of Dialytic Water in their diets has prevented the crystallization of uric acid in the joints and muscles, facilitating normal physical training.

Nowadays there are many diseases that require a large amount of intake of various drugs, which considerably increases mineral waste in the body. An example of this could be the treatment of HIV-AIDS. Dialytic Water is of course not going to solve the problem of this malignant disease, but it helps purify the body and makes these treatments more receptive and effective.

The same thing happens with processed foods that have more additives every day that are transformed into mineral residues. There are more and more cases of young children with Lithiasis, mainly due to the ingestion of industrial foods.

There are other cases, some exceptional, where the presence of crystalline bodies can be annoying or harmful and where Dialytic Water is also effective, such as in microcrystallizations in the lymphatic system or excess calcium in tears. Innumerable microcalcifications can occur in the body, some of them annoying and in many cases painful.

In people with immobility, whether due to long-term postoperative processes or caused by unfortunate irreversible accidents (cases of para and quadriplegics), this circumstance produces an increase in crystalline residues that in many cases lead to stone problems. The use of Dialytic Water has helped to improve the quality of life of these people.

In rheumatic and arthritic processes, by eliminating microscopic debris, it mitigates pain and, as we have already indicated before, provides the patient with a better quality of life.

In Spain there are approximately 25,000 autistic people. 84% of children with autism show oxalate values ​​outside normal limits, which are fixed in various organs, which causes them to have additional disorders to their disease. The intake of Dialytic Water has achieved a significant reduction in oxalates, obtaining a better quality of life.

Your skin isn't sick... Your skin is thirsty

Dyalític Water, skin hydration and cleasing

Skin is the human body's largest organ; it protects us against dryness and regulates our temperature. But it is also a storage house of nutrients and retains the residues of metabolic processes. If the body isn´t working properly, our skin will be dirty and lose its freshness. It is also an armor against external agents: pollution, the sun's ultraviolet rays, changes in temperature, stress, lack of sleep, bad nutrition and consequently, faulty digestion.

In an adult, skin can have a surface area of 2 square meters and a weight of approximately 5 kilos; the epidermis contains 13% water and dermis 70%. Skin is our wrapping; it's the layer of life; it's our representation and appearance. It's the reason why one of our favorite topics is precisely our skin when we talk about beauty

Skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Each has a characteristic function, but interacts actively with the next layer.

The epidermis has multiple layers (strata) of cells, which are from the outermost to the innermost: the stratum disjunction (which produces the continuous shedding of the corneal cells), the corneum (which maintains moisture balance), lucidum, granulosum, spinosum and basal or germinativum strata (responsible for continually replenishing the cells and producing melanin). Cells (which are formed in the stratum germinativum until they reach the stratum disjunction) take 4 weeks to peel.

The dermis is composed of a network of collagen and elastin fibers (which stabilize the skin and prevents its deformation) and the small capillaries that carry oxygen and nutrients to it and excrete toxic waste products. The sebaceous glands are rooted in the dermis, but they open up to the surface in the pores found in the epidermis. The sensory cells (pain, itching, temperature, etc.) are located in this layer.

The hypodermis is the subcutaneous layer of the skin and the deep continuation of the dermis. Its collagen and elastic fibers are connected directly with the dermis and run in all directions, but mainly parallel to the surface of the skin. It serves as the storage of substances and shock protection.

Skin cells undergo a continuous keratinization and desquamation process and are quickly replaced by new cells, which is why it so important to supply water through the cellular membrane.


Skin hydration and cleansing

The skin is known as the "third kidney" because just as much urea is eliminated through sweat as through the kidneys. Also, sodium and potassium salts iron, phosphorus, lactic acid and sulfuric acid and many other waste substances are eliminated through the skin. If something interferes with this function, the skin can suffer disorders that considerably degrade it and harm our physical and aesthetic appearance.

The skin breathes. The exchange of gases through the skin pores involves a process of diffusion of oxygen and CO2 (carbon dioxide) through its surface. It is therefore very important that the pores of the skin be as clean as possible. The skin does not breathe the same way as the lungs, but it is a very similar process with the same input and output products. This process is vital for the body, because without it we would die.

If the pores of the skin become clogged, it dies by suffocation.

The skin is a reflection of the health of our body and its nature is influenced largely by what happens in the other systems of the body that apparently do not seem to have any connection with it. If the main excretory apparatus such as the liver and kidneys do not work properly, the skin clearly reflects the condition and becomes a dumping ground for the toxins expelled by the body. We can also say that the skin is the "fire detector" of the body.

An example is the Ukrainian Viktor Yuschenko, who was poisoned with one of the most potent toxic dioxins (TCDD). His life was saved when his skin degraded to such a point (a severe rash, they said) that made the Austrian doctors who treated him take immediate actions to save his life.

One of the skin's functions is to keep undesirable toxins outside the body, and although it can absorb beneficial substances, it can also allow other harmful substances to enter. As we noted previously, we also breathe through our skin.

A faulty digestion can leave traces on the skin, just like stress and a large number of skin disorders that are related to hormones, such as acne in teenagers and pimples and stains that appear before menstruation. Body health is crucial for a healthy skin. Today, many people suffer from skin disorders because of the constant battle our body must continually wage against our modern lifestyle (poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, use of toxic substances such as tobacco, environmental pollution, excessive exposure to the sun, etc.).

The need to keep our skin constantly clean and perfectly hydrated is very important for our health. It´s not only important for our health, but also vital and indispensable for the application of treatments and systems in dermatology and cosmetology to be effective.

Even the most state-of-the art technologies, trends and innovations will fail if the skin is not perfectly clean and hydrated.

For superficial skin care to be effective it is essential that active substances penetrate it, and this is only possible through transdermal permeability.

Hydration is the preservation of the maximum level of moisture in the skin and the body. Water supplies blood to the skin along with oxygen and nutrients.

Moisturization is the moisture that the skin absorbs from the outside.

Since ancient times skin has been the object of all kinds of care and treatments directed at preserving its beauty and youthful appearance. The huge varieties of alternatives available have two common denominators: products and treatments mitigate in a greater or lesser degree the ravages of time and are based on external skin care.

So long as we aren´t able to find the fountain of youth, we can continue to look for it.


How to avoid our skin from becoming thirsty

Thirsty, dehydrated skin looks dull, listless and accentuates wrinkles and expression lines.

The lack of water has several causes:


  • Dry skin is caused by internal factors (for example, decreased production of sebum).
  • Dehydrated skin is caused by external factors (for example, dry climate, fat-poor diet, fever, medication).


A dry environment dehydrates the skin. A dry environment steals water from the skin:

  • If it's a constant situation, the skin tries to adapt.
  • If it is variable (from dry to humid, or from humid to dry) the compensation mechanisms of the skin become unbalanced.


These factors are: air conditioning, sun, wind, sudden variations in climate o excessive heat with much sweating

The hotter it gets, the greater the ambient temperature, which in turn produces an increase in the sebaceous secretion or natural fat. The defensive barrier mechanism and water retention also improves.

Cuanto más calor, mayor es la temperatura ambiental, produciéndose así un aumento de la secreción sebácea o grasa natural. También mejora la acción de barrera defensiva y la retención de agua.

More specifically, dehydration is caused by:

  • Genetics: Less production of fat (ceramides)
  • Age: Intracellular cohesion and barrier function diminishes
  • Air conditioning: Steals all the water.
  • Heating: Evaporates and dehydrates.
  • Aggressive cosmetics: Excessive cleansing alters and wears down the protection of the hydrolipidic covering.
  • Tobacco: It contracts the capillaries, diminishes the absorption of Vitamin C, produces free radicals, and dries the skin.
  • Medications: They alter the balance and produce side effects.
  • Diets: If they lack essential fatty acids, the production of ceramides, which are essential for intracellular cohesion, is altered.
  • Long airplane trips: The skin dries out because the air conditioning on a plane does not have the adequate levels of humidity.

Dehydrated skin makes you look old: it tenses, peels, sags and wrinkles your face. At the beginning it's reversible but on the long run the effects are permanent.

To prevent this aging process we must:

  • Regulate the excess of sebum.
  • Provide elasticity
  • Stimulate enzyme activity
  • Promote water balance
  • Neutralize free radicals

Thermal waters are very beneficial because they come from virgin sources and have therapeutic properties that vary according to the mineral composition and that also help the thermal effect.


Dyalitic Water

Water is the universal solvent and an essential component of our body, whether it is part of it or is used by all the metabolic processes.

SLACKSTONE II® System physically transforms ordinary water into Dyalitic Water. Chemically, it's still water, but with greater energy and therefore with a greater cleansing and hydrating power.

Our proposal is to introduce a third common denominator: care for our skin from the inside with Dyalitic Water, and we dare affirm that in the majority of cases, our skin is not sick, it's thirsty

If only we hydrated and cleansed our skin properly, the problems described above would be solved.

We recommend drinking 2 glasses a day of Dyalitic Water (500 cm3) to appreciate its benefits as an excellent purifying and hydrating solvent: it will eliminate the residues and enhance hydration of the cells and tissues. By drinking Dyalitic Water, you will hydrate and cleanse your skin from the inside out.

Furthermore, spray a small quantity of Dyalitic Water on your face and exposed skin to take care of it externally, too.

You're not getting old... You're thirsty

Dyalitic Water, in Anti-Aging Medicine


In the adult human body, water represents

  • 65% of total body weight
  • 90% of the brain
  • 30% of the bones


But as we age, water content is reduced to as much as 20 percent.

In another chapter we appreciated the importance of skin, the largest organ of our body.

Although it is important to keep the skin of children and adults clean and perfectly hydrated, it is essential to do so as we age, due to many factors.

It's difficult to establish a specific age at which skin starts to age, but we do know that it is the first organ to start aging.

From the age of 60 the skin starts to


  • Thin 15%
  • Lose 20% of its thickness
  • Lose elasticity and flexibility
  • Decrease the number of sweat glands
  • Clog pores
  • Show signs of collagen denaturing
  • Wear down and collapse the elastic fibers


Other changes take place as a result of deterioration, ailments and alterations.

The need to keep our skin clean and perfectly hydrated is very important health wise, but it is also vital and essential for the treatments and systems applied in anti-aging medicine to be effective.

There are other factors in relation to elderly persons that should be taken into account:

The kidney, which is responsible for regulating the volume of fluids in the body, suffers a series of impairments in the elderly.

With age, we drink less water than necessary, in many cases self-imposed by urinary incontinence problems.

In addition, as we pile on the birthdays:

  • The thirst alarm takes longer to sound off and let us know we need water. The response to water loss is slower.

There are several pathologies that are more common when we age such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer´s, Parkinson, cataracts, etc.

Dialytic Water does not decalcify the body since it doesn´t act against colloidal calcium (amorphous); if not against the formation of calcium metal salts (ionic).


An example:

Alzheimer's disease disrupts neuron communication, metabolism and repair. The connections between nerve cells are lost, which causes memory loss

The brain is 90% water which is vital for the bioelectricity that circulates through its neurotransmitters.


In some cases, toxic deposits and even microscopic calcifications (between the axon and dendrites) in the neuronal synapse can prevent or alter the good transmission of the chemical-electrical impulses.

Dialytic Water influences the communication of the neuron, cleaning the axon and dendrites so that the synapse doesn´t fail or fails less. It also weighs on neuronal repair.
Even though astrocytes are in charge of cleaning the detritus from the brain, Dialytic Water helps eliminate the deposits and micro-calcifications by favoring a better internal communication between neurons and provide a better quality of life to patients, as in the case of Alzheimer's.
Increasingly, the presence of mineral deposits in the body is a result of medication, food, pollution, injuries, etc., which makes purification a very important process. It is, in the majority of cases, vital for the implementation of other therapies and prescriptions, rendering them more effective and responsive.
In this regard, we must take into account that most patients have multiple prescriptions, which increases the risk of contraindications, interactions and/or side effects due to the accumulation of active ingredients and non-metabolized excipients.

We stress the importance of skin, and even more in the elderly. The use of Dialytic Water to hydrate, purify and cleanse the skin is essential at their age due to its benefits as an excellent solvent, purifier and moisturizer, as well as for eliminating waste and enhancing hydration of the cells and tissue.


Dialytic Water, as a coadjuvant in Oncology

Cells handle and regulate themselves in order to function correctly and reproduce provided there is oxygen, alcalinity, nutrients and energetic vibration in the extracellular fluid.
If the extracellular fluid is toxic (dirty), anaerobic (lack of oxygen), acid (excess acid), has nutritional disorders (excesses and lacks) and faulty communication between the cells (decrease in the electromagnetic vibration), the cell cannot function correctly and will not reproduce. And this is the first symptom of an internal disorder.
If this condition is not controlled and corrected, the cell's survival is at risk and it can initiate a tumor development.
The sick cell shall survive in any medium and take nourishment by stealing it from the surrounding tissues.

We are able to reestablish the normal operating conditions of the cell by purifying it with Dialytic Water to clean and restore it.

Our starting point is watercalled "the universal solvent", by which we use a logic and contrasted physical process, non-invasive, simple, inexpensive, painless and easy to use with the great advantage that it does not produce side effects or interactions. We greatly enhance the solvent effect of water to invert the crystallization process with effective results and also encourage purification and hydration in an excellent way.

We recommend that you drink 2 glasses of Dialytic Water a day (500 cc). This will bring you the benefits of an excellent purifying and hydrating solvent, the elimination of residues and a greater hydration of cells and tissues, as well as the added benefit of resuming the habit of drinking water.



If you need to ask any questions about our SLACKSTONE II® system to prepare Dialytic Water, you can do so from this form.



Logo Lab Yborra, s.l.

CIF ES B80359474

Luis I, 70 - 28031 MADRID (España)

Telf.: (+34) 913.803.285
Mov: (+34) 680 426 033

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